the::unwired - TIP: How to store Inbox attachments into your Storage Card (iPAQ 2210 and others)
the::unwired - TIP: How to store Inbox attachments into your Storage Card (iPAQ 2210 and others): "TIP: How to store Inbox attachments into your Storage Card (iPAQ 2210 and others)
Posted by Carlo Guerrero - at Thursday, 22.04.04 - 08:35:36 CET under 09 - Pocket PC Tutorials - Viewed 13050x
I've used this quite often and with so many attachments that I receive and download, I should have the right amount of space for it. I'm sure that my Pocket PC's built-in memory will never be able to handle the size of attachments I receive from time to time.
For most of us this process may be a simple one. In the Pocket PC's Inbox, go to Tools and then Options. As you enter the tabbed window called Storage, you will see a check box that says 'Store attachments on storage card'. For most Pocket PCs this works like a charm and attachments are stored into the Storage Card instead of the main memory.
But for some devices, it will seem that this option only allows the user to save attachments in the only Storage Card that particular Pocket PC recognizes which is no other than the File Store.
Thanks for fellow MVPs David Hettel and Bev Howard for pointing me into the right direction, I was able to sort out the problem with the h2210 Inbox Attachment association with Storage Cards.
Apparently, with the HP iPAQ 2210s, particularly the ones with the up"
Posted by Carlo Guerrero - at Thursday, 22.04.04 - 08:35:36 CET under 09 - Pocket PC Tutorials - Viewed 13050x
I've used this quite often and with so many attachments that I receive and download, I should have the right amount of space for it. I'm sure that my Pocket PC's built-in memory will never be able to handle the size of attachments I receive from time to time.
For most of us this process may be a simple one. In the Pocket PC's Inbox, go to Tools and then Options. As you enter the tabbed window called Storage, you will see a check box that says 'Store attachments on storage card'. For most Pocket PCs this works like a charm and attachments are stored into the Storage Card instead of the main memory.
But for some devices, it will seem that this option only allows the user to save attachments in the only Storage Card that particular Pocket PC recognizes which is no other than the File Store.
Thanks for fellow MVPs David Hettel and Bev Howard for pointing me into the right direction, I was able to sort out the problem with the h2210 Inbox Attachment association with Storage Cards.
Apparently, with the HP iPAQ 2210s, particularly the ones with the up"