
Showing posts from October, 2011

Desde Pequeña tiene gustos caros habiendo como 10 Carritos le gustó el que decía Ferrari

Y claro , el joven de ventas diciéndonos que la bebé tiene muy buen gusto. :)

Dia de Las Naciones Unidas

Hoy me tocó llevar a la escuela al delegado de china!

SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Your Virtual Network.... When Someone Dies

SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Your Virtual Network.... When Someone Dies : Through social media and blogging I met Tricia Murphy in 2007.  She lived in Dublin, Ireland and was a business consultant who specializ...

Satiring: BlackBerry Failures: Seventeen Dead.

Satiring: BlackBerry Failures: Seventeen Dead. : Since the faults, many have renounced technology and opted instead for traditional blackberries.  BlackBerry outages experienced since ...