
Showing posts from March, 2006

SpySheriff - Spyware Remover and Protection Suite

SpySheriff - Spyware Remover and Protection Suite This is the worst ever kind of software possible, this pretends to be a spyware removal tool and it is instead a spyware injector that will continuously inject spywaare into your computer, please find and kill sadistically whoever made thisprogram.

Battlefield Earth Review - Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Battlefield Earth Review - Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension this is a very good review of a really really really bad movie

The Free Information Society - Knowlege Is Power

The Free Information Society - Knowlege Is Power Very disturbed paghe for nerds of all ages | VCL-HG2030 30mm High Grade 2.0X Telephoto Lens | VCL-HG2030 30mm High Grade 2.0X Telephoto Lens : "VCL-HG2030 30mm High Grade 2.0X Telephoto LensspacerVCL-HG2030 spacer spacer spacer spacer Enlarge spacer spacer Deliver twice the detail at the edges of an image with this high-grade lens. * 2.0X magnification helps make distant subject appear closer * Designed for 30mm diameter lens Handycam® camcorders * High-grade lens in aluminum housing for superb durability "I'm oing crazy tryng to decide to purchase this

Explore Lenses

Explore Lenses Squidoo es la mejor pagina para gente que cree que es experta en algo

:: :: Scanners :: blog: scanners (xhtml)

:: :: Scanners :: blog: scanners (xhtml) : "Krauthammer begins with this: Nothing tells you more about Hollywood than what it chooses to honor. Nominated for best foreign-language film is 'Paradise Now,' a sympathetic portrayal of two suicide bombers. Nominated for best picture is 'Munich,' a sympathetic portrayal of yesterday's fashion in barbarism: homicide terrorism. But until you see 'Syriana,' nominated for best screenplay (and George Clooney, for best supporting actor) you have no idea how self-flagellation and self-loathing pass for complexity and moral seriousness in Hollywood." Charles Krauthamer is a stupid idiot bigot shithead with mush for brains

The Official Website of Isaac Hayes

The Official Website of Isaac Hayes isaac hayes is a scientologist pice of shit head that will burn in hell for leaving a crappy show because of crappy scientology

My robot - The Boston Globe

My robot - The Boston Globe : "My robot Hackers reprogramming Roombas to do more than just clean floors By Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff | March 6, 2006 Some people are tinkering with their Roomba robotic vacuums, but not much of it has to do with cleaning floors. Article Tools These cleaning robots are really cool * PRINTER FRIENDLYPrinter friendly * E-MAILE-mail to a friend * RSS FEEDSBusiness RSS feed * RSS FEEDSAvailable RSS feeds * MOST E-MAILEDMost e-mailed * REPRINTS/PERMISSIONSReprints/permissions More: * Business section | * Latest business news | * Globe front page | * * Sign up for: Globe Headlines e-mail | * Breaking News Alerts When iRobot Corp. introduced the Roomba in 2002, the Burlington company was hailed for making available the first home robot. But for some, the disc-shaped machine that zips across floors sucking up dirt and dust is more than an electronic housekeeper: It's a science project on wheels, a surroga...

Usenet note: Technology, Practice, Statistics

Usenet note: Technology, Practice, Statistics : this is the best site for a basic history of the usenet related pages icon related Guides: networks & the GII E-Publishing Digital Environment related pages icon related Profiles: Blogging Messaging Social Software section heading icon overview This note looks at Usenet, an internet-based newsgroup system. It covers - * introduction - what is usenet? * structure and operation - how does it work? * rise and fall - the trajectory from explosive growth to normalisation * the utopian moment - were early expectations about 'Usenet = Democracy' realistic? * statistics - figures on usenet traffic and readership The following page considers academic and other studies, usenet landmarks and issues. introduction"

Wired News:

Wired News: : "Several months later, Truste revoked Gratis' seal of approval, then quickly reinstated it, then pulled it again, but declined to state publicly its reasons. In the wake of this week's settlement, Truste's spokeswoman did not return repeated phone calls, and executive director Fran Maier did not respond to e-mailed questions about why Truste never discovered the alleged sale or informed the public that Gratis was not adhering to its privacy policy. Truste has long been criticized as ineffective and too eager to make apologies for companies that violate the spirit of their privacy promises." Therefore truste sucks and I will never trust a site using that crappy logo again

- El Universal Online - Opinion

- El Universal Online - Opinion : "Manuel Espino, dirigente del partido acción nacional, no han tenido una buena relación o al menos cercana." Manuel espino tambien es un pendjeo ratero y sangron

- El Universal Online - Opinion

- El Universal Online - Opinion : "'¡Corrupto, corrupto!': el grito que escuchó el góber precioso, Mario Marín, al ser reconocido en el Centro Asturiano de México. Por cierto, quiso salir por la cocina para evitar reporteros y un gran pasillo adornado por bellísimas botellas (de cualquier manera le tomaron la foto. y también de él huyendo por la cocina)." Mario marin es un pendejo, ojala que se muera

Keynote4 Steve Jobs Soundboard

Keynote4 Steve Jobs Soundboard : "What's Keynote4? Have fun and make your own Apple keynote with this Keynote4. It's a sound board that includes over 50 famous phrases from Steve's keynotes. I've added several sounds, including the audience clap and laugh. It can't be Steve's keynote without the audience cheering, right?"