
Showing posts from February, 2005
Google Toolbar's AutoLink & The Need For Opt-Out Dany Sullivan Has peas in the brain, as charles cooper mentioned regarding the autolink feature from the google toolbar "....The feature is so arcane it will likely only attract bored reporters and the severely anal retentive...." where dany falls I think is somewhere in between. Autolink is useful and it works and if you do not want it you don't install the google toolbar, as simple as that if you have information that you don't want to link to something else LINK IT YOURSELF. And problem solved. :: I'm j0hnny. I hack stuff. This is THE place for hacking google, it is fun to see that Yahoo prominently displays a history of their main competitor weaknesses in this story
NOTAS- de SEPRIN Por si creias que pagabas mucho en TELNOR o TELMEX por el servicio de infinitum en Argentina les suben el 33 por ciento de lo cual se quejan amargamente pero a fin de cuentas solo pagarian $ 20. USD en mexico un servicio equivalente (Internet ADSL de 256 KB) pagamos $24.3408 segun
SplashData - Virtual Wallet Applications for Mobile Devices If I had a photo capable PDa or SmartPhone Maybe I would be interested in this application, what i think is crappy is that asimple picture app is called "Lifestyle Application" which is a name that i find as meaningful as "new and Improved"and also irritating. So please do not use the "Lifestyle Application" of this site as it is basically crap and you can get something better somewhere else. and cheaper also!
Ensight - Jeremy C. Wright � How to Pitch Bloggers If you wanted to pitch me an Idea this is the way i think you should do it.
Concentrationtest for men this is a test that proves that men think different than women
Slashdot is down?? This guy is reporting that ./ is back up but for me it is still down. Slashdot domain i think it was hijacked
Carlos Trejo y el fraude jocoso En mi groupo de msn de carlos trejo una discusión repetitiva acerca de si es un estúpido o un idiota y yo creo que es los dos.
depeche mode Lyrics album art and more